Friday, March 19, 2010

artwork over spring break

daily melody: Madonna "Hung Up"

While I was on spring break [last week] from college, I went through quite a bit of drawings and illustrations, though the majority of them have been left unfinished for the moment. I was away from my trusty scanner at school, and shamefully have yet to purchase a new digital camera. I've come to the sad conclusion that it is too expensive and not worth the gamble having my camera repaired. Arrrrrgh.

Here is some scanned new artwork.
I will need to have these shot better so I can possibly add them to my portfolio.

Illustration #1

Illustration #2

Illustration #3

Illustration #4

Illustration #5

Illustration #6

Illustration #7

Illustration #8

Illustration #9

Align LeftIllustration #10

I am in a small upcoming show with my good friend Kari at The Delevan Art Gallery in Syracuse and plan on keeping it two-dimensional [drawings] and thought it would be a good idea to present my illustrations, since my student show will be an installation. I was thinking either the tenth drawing posted above or the ninth.

Any opinions? I am open to every and all!