Tuesday, April 20, 2010

theatrical electronic

daily melody: Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Soft Shock"

Theatrical Electronic
Caroline A. Locatelli
Mixed media installation

Theatrical Electronic is an installation solely based around discarded, donated, and found objects revealing a charming anecdote between technology and nature represented through six television sets and the head of deer.

As I mature and expand as an artist I reach out more to the treasures of discarded and found items to incorporate in my works. I choose everyday objects that an average person has the ability to relate to, recognize, and often use themselves.

Using the selected objects for their forms and connotations I enjoy breathing life into the lifeless creations, for example televisions, that are around us.

The television sets are each blanketed in individual, yet unifying bold colors- stripping each of them of their model information, brand identification, and visible signs of consumerism.

In this work, I have created three classifications: nature, man, and the inanimate objects man creates. The deer mount suspended above the televisions represents nature in bright robust gold to signify a higher caste, royalty, and purity; as well as the branches that sprout from the televisions and the artificial grass beneath them.
Both television and deer speak quietly to one another captured in a cathartic moment. The television sets struggle to alter their burdensome bodies and transcend into a higher level despite their inevitable destiny. As each television strives to be ever closer to nature only dead branches sprout from their tops.

The deer shows its sorrow and silently weeps out of respect for

the creations man has constructed. . .

loved in a fickle respect. . . . .

and finally discarded. . . . . .

The opening went fantastic!
I couldn't be happier and more proud with my installation.

....sleep deprived, sick, and oh-so exhausted from all the other work and things to do left....

*** Thank you sooo much, Shanna for shooting all these lovely photographs for me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! this looks like an amazing show. I wish that I could have been there.
