Monday, April 5, 2010

little card creations

daily melody: Crash Kings "Mountain Man"

I'm really quite anxious to see how my new batch of postcards comes out and have been playing around with the idea of having more illustrations or the whispers I write up to be treated as postcards or small cards.

French Croissants
[my tried-and-true love for France and the French language]
April 2010
It's never worth calling you back
[recent break-up inspired]
April 2010Golden croissants
April 2010Magical Spot
April 2010

I intend to color the first three, to be at a finishing point like the last one. I have the last one clipped and tacked to the wall in front of my desk beside my laptop so I have it close if I want to catch a glimpse. I might take my markers to it again and color it completely....possibly....

I scanned the third card under black & white settings instead of color like the rest, even though 3/4 of them are monochromatic, so it took on a sharper more contrasting appearance in line quality.

Just little drawings that I snuck in while I have piles of classwork, projects, and to-do lists galore!


  1. hi caroline! found your blog via laura's. it's really lovely, and i love your postcards. the typography is really fun! good luck finishing up your college career and getting that BFA degree. I just got my BFA in design last december...i wish i was still in school.

  2. Thanks, Jessica! I'm sure I'll share similar feelings and miss the tight community that a college creates while bringing people from all over.

    I just need a break and some time to not be anxious all the time.

  3. Love your postcards, dear! You are greatly missed here in Caz, stop running away like a little bunny!

  4. I want 3 columns on my blog. Teach me your ways. Ya know, in all your infinite spare time...

  5. I did, Shanna! Surf through the beginning posts on this blog, i posted a link and everything.

    it will show you step by step how to do it. And I am really bad with html....and yet I still came out ok.


  6. Caroline, I love these so so so much !!!
